Abstract / Résumé
There has been much speculation as to how to interpret the Yellow Vest movement in France. Building on a survey of more than 5,000 Yellow Vests, this research report argues that producerism is key to make sense of the protesters’ populist attitudes and relationship to politics.
Figures / Graphiques
Figure 1: XXXXX
title = {Populist {Attitudes} among the {French} {Yellow} {Vests}},
volume = {-1},
issn = {2588-8072, 2588-8064},
url = {https://brill.com/view/journals/popu/aop/article-10.1163-25888072-02021039.xml},
doi = {10.1163/25888072-02021039},
language = {en},
number = {aop},
urldate = {2019-11-27},
journal = {Populism},
author = {Guerra, Tristan and Alexandre, Chloé and Gonthier, Frédéric},
month = oct,
year = {2019},
note = {Number: aop
Reporter: Populism},pages = {1--12},